Computer games

I decided not to write so much about
Diablo here, since I devoted an entire page to it instead. See it here.
Released by Blizzard Entertainment.
Dungeon Keeper
Dungeon Keeper is a strategy/RPG/adventure game,
depending on what you want to do of it. It is the total opposite of many games where you are a hero
and slays monsters in a dungeon. In Dungeon Keeper, YOU rule the dungeon, build rooms, dig gold
and care for the monsters. Then you chop the heroes into tiny pieces. Quite cool.
Released by Bullfrog Productions.
Command & Conquer: Tiberian dawn
Tiberian dawn is the prequel to the bestseller Red Alert. In Tiberian dawn,
a tiny meteor has struck earth, bringing the strange substance of tiberium. The brotherhood of NOD, an ancient
and huge group of terrorists fights the forces of the Global Defence Initiative GDI to conquer
earth, and both sides are economically supported by the tiberium, which is transformed into credits
in refineries.
Released by Westwood studios.
Conquest of the New World
In CNW you arrive as a team of settlers in the New World
of the sixteenth century. Your job is to establish colonies and trade. Then warfare and independence
from your mother country. You can choose to play as Britain, Spain, France, Holland, Portugal or the
High Native civilization.
Released by Interplay, and
developed by Quicksilver software.
More games will be added as fast as possible.