
About me

My name is Ulf St�hl. I'm 14 years old and live in Link�ping.
That's in Sweden. I'm an 8 grade student at Berzeliusskolan (Roughly: The Berzelius school) here in LKPG.
I have a 16 year old sister, Nina, who's my only sister. She likes to go to caf�s and music concerts.
You can read more about my interests here.
My best friends are Robert, Jonas, Erik and Sebastian.
I'm going to fix the links to all the pages. I think most of them are in swedish. See the bottom of the page for pictures of the guys.
I took them from this years photo of the class, in which I looked very bad, so I decided not to include myself.
My favourite subject in school is english. That's because I like to talk
english and am quite good at it. Also, I have a good english teacher, H�kan.
That's just a short informatic page in swedish. My secondary best subject
is music. I play the bass and the guitar, and my friends play other instruments too. (Robert - drums, guitar Erik - guitar Jonas - synth, keyboards, piano).
We like to play together, but having music with my class... Well. That's why english is my favourite subject.
I'm not very good at sports. I used to be in a local football team, but
we always lost, and I quitted. I like to play indoor bandy, even though we play on the streets in summer. I've tried many other sports
too, but I never seem to get the hang of it. Bicykle riding is cool. I have an old city cross bike, and sometimes Sebastian and I take
a ride in the neighbourhood and the surroundings. We have forests nearby, so we also do terrain riding.