My character

To begin with, I can tell you that my
character is entirely legit, which means that I have not cheated or hacked him in any way. This
is of course a multiplayer character, since you can't play on battle.net with a
singe player character.
My character is a level 48 sorceror
named Anduin[WhJ]. The WhJ tag stands for my clan. I have played for a very long time to get to
this level, and I can tell you it's much easier doing this with a sorceror than a warrior or a
rogue. That's because spells rock. I joined WhJ when I was level 47, so you can think that I haven't
been in for a long time. On the opposite, it takes a very long time to gain enough experience when
you have a level that high. Compare lvl 1 to 2 = 2000 expereince and lvl 47 to 48 = about 50 million exp.
I have a maximum at all stats, which
for a sorceror is 250 magic, 45 strength, 85 dexterity and 80 vitality. Of course this is modified by
premium and unique weapons. I also have all available spells at lvl 15.
Trying to remember it right, this is
my equipment. Remember that nothing is hacked or something, and that I found everything myself.
My helmet is a unique called Royal Circlet. My mail is a premium item, Obsidian plate of sorcery.
I carry an unique mace called Dreamflange. My amulet is a Jade amulet of the Zodiac, and my two
rings are called Dragons ring of the Zodiac and Obsidian ring of Wizardry. That's quite an inventory.
