My clan

My clan is an all swedish clan called
Warriors of honor and Justice, or WHJ. We are a legit (non-cheating) PKK (we kill players who kill
players) clan. Our leaders are establishing us in other countries to Diablo 2.
Please visit the link above to see our
homepage. Note: In swedish. It's maintained by our leaders, Sir.Aramis[WHJ] and Palle~{WHJ}. There
are also some minor pages run by others. The tournament has a separate page were MonkeyMan[WHJ]
lists the results of the latest duels.
WHJ has a ranking system based on how
many points you have gained within the clan. I'm currently Lieutenant. You gain points by doing
certain things for the guild. For instance, you receive 5 points for killing a PK.
We are at war with the swedish clan DoJ,
Defenders of Justice, a small cowardly clan that should be destroyed immediately. DW, the Dark Warriors
are also fighting with us, though not so hard as DoJ. SODAT, Soldiers Of Death And Terror has always
been our enemies, and will be in Diablo 2.

WHJ rules.